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About Us

Born a genuine South American of Ecuador’s Highlands, the Andes, keeping those wondrous alpacas and llamas comes natural to Ingo. Following both their origins, Ingo’s and the animals’, it was obvious to name our little herd after the Inca’s ancestral sun god, Inti, son of the creator Pachacarnac.

Previously unknown to her, Martinas’ own first encounter with the species of new world camelids was rather unglamorous in comparison but exciting all the same. One dark evening in the year 1997 she picked up the phone and heard Ingo saying “The trailer is loaded” and at 2 o’clock in the morning he had returned home with their first own animals.

Ingo disappeared into the trailer’s abyss, slipped two rope ends into Martina’s hands only to disappear into the trailer again. Not being able to see one’s own hand in front of one’s fact, holding on to the rope ends and not knowing what to expect at the far end of the ropes, Martina entered the trailer through the little door at the front, let her hand follow the rope and there it was – The First Encounter! She identified a head, soft but rather much larger than she expected, a lovely fleecy face above which were hovering gigantic ears … ?
“Do alpacas have such big ears?” Martina, quite bewildered at this stage, asked her innocent enough question into the dark but received no reply from Ingo who in turn took the ropes and lead the way for the animals. Out of the trailer emerged the most handsome alpaca mare … and a little donkey! Only now it was becoming quite obvious who the owner of the great big fluffy ears really was.
In 2003, our first own Llama moved in. Samba arrived straight from the European llama and alpaca show in Kempten. Ingo had attended the show with the first of our own offspring, “Auca", and had left her in Bavaria to go to stud. Presumably, he didn’t want to waste any trailer space, hence …

Let’s say it was sheer luck he didn’t manage to meet up with any dromedary or bactrian camel owners!

We sincerely hope you will enjoy our website.